Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Let Him Die...

Do you ever plan something special for someone? Someone older... really old, and senile, and sweet all at the same time?

That was the plan on this special day just before Christmas. There were four of us; Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass, and we were in a special care facility for Alzheimer's patients.

The basic idea was this:

Sing to the dears, make their day, and go home feeling warm and fuzzy.

We got this:

-Carpets soaked and squishy from water that came from a frozen/broken main in the ceiling.

-A limited audience of perhaps 12 of the patients who didn't have family who cared enough or perhaps were not able to take them home while the facility was repaired.

-A complete lack of preparation on our part that forced us to sightread from a hymnbook.

We did reasonably well, and the dears seemed to be enjoying the music that is, until we started to sing Ring Out Wild Bells...

"Ring out wild bells to the wild sky. The flying cloud, frosty light."

(good so far...)

"The year is dying in the night..."

(*whimper* from one of the old ladies)

"Ring out wild bells and let him die."

(another whimper and a shaky "Oh MY!" from another one.)

"The year is dying in the night, ring out wild bells and let him die!"

It was at this point that the song started to slow down, a lot. One old lady whimpering caused another and another until the cascade effect had most of the poor dears scared out of their wits.

And yet... we sang on....

It was not the highlight of my year.

Oh well; at least Vinny didn't seem too broken up about the whole thing. He was very vocal as I waved good by to him and his nurse with a smile on my face.

"Oh shut the hell up!" says Vinny.

Merry Christmas to you too...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my... haha. Yes, that song is very, very depressing to a point, and perhaps scary. You must have good diction if the old dears could hear you.
